Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So yesterday I left work early so I could go to the doctor & they could check out my poison ivy. When I came in to the office this morning I turned my computer on & went around the office to complete my open checklist. When I came back I sat down & pulled my keyboard out to type, I put my hands on the keys & felt something squishy & kind of funny, I look down & find a black & purple spider - I instantly jump back in my chair & say, "what the?!?!" After I realized that it was fake I waited a second for my blood pressure to come down & went around the office trying to find out who put it there. After a few seconds I found out it was Lisa, one of the legal assistants, & I went back to her office & wrapped both of my hands around her neck trying to choke her as she was laughing hysterically. Apparently they do this little trick to all of the newcomers at the Firm; you either get the scary spider or a black rubber mouse. I told Lisa that I would have preferred the mouse. Obviously everyone thought this was hilarious, everyone except me. I told Lisa that she had to come up to my desk & take the spider because there was no way that I was touching it; before she moved it I took a photo with my cell phone: Blends in just perfectly right?
I will now be on the look out for black spiders & black mice because according to Adam, one of the attorneys in our office, he got the mouse several times when he started at the Firm. I'm crossing my fingers that it will only happen to me once.

Monday, June 21, 2010


So last week Dan came home & was itching like crazy & asked me if I thought the red bumps all over him were a type of poison. Instantly I said yes & told him to stop scratching & to put calamine lotion all over him. I had also kicked him out of the bedroom for the week because I get poison, any kind of poison, so easily. I remember the first time I had it in middle school & I missed a week of school because I had it all over me, including in my eyes & in my throat. I had to go the ER a few times to get shots in order to get rid of it. The most recent was in college & I had it so bad that my arms swelled up & it was so painful that I had to take days off from work, I was at Applebee's at the time, & I was in so much pain. Well guess what? I now have poison. Dan seems to think its from working in the yard on Saturday but my response to that is that I've been working in the yard since we moved in to our house & have never once got poison. As soon as Dan comes home with poison from the golf course & the high school baseball field, I suddenly break out. So, I'm blaming him. The itching is pretty annoying but its not to the point where I have to itch it because its life or death. I've reached that point before & I'm not there yet...hopefully I don't get to that point. I went to Target today after work & bought the necessities so I'm crossing my fingers that between my over-the-counter products & home remedies it will hopefully go away sooner than later.

On a lighter note, Dan & I ripped out the huge shrubs that we had in front of our house & I took some photos so you'll be able to see how good it looks. We plan on putting others in their place but we're waiting until next month to do that. I'll be sure to post those when I'm in a better mood. Until then, say a little prayer for me tonight that this poison will be somewhat dried up tomorrow. Well, I'm going to say bye for now...I took 2 Benadryl 35 minutes ago & I think they are kicking in so goodnight.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Truthful But Brutal

On Wednesday Dan & I were out on the deck playing Uno & about half way into our second game he said, "babe, can I tell you something without you getting mad?" Now usually when those words come out of his mouth its either about my weight or he doesn't like how I'm wearing my hair, etc. My response was, "it depends on what it is". He instantly said, "nevermind" & then I had to drag it out of him because you can't say something like that & then refuse to tell me what it is. After 5 minutes of saying, "just tell me already!" This is what he said, "I just wanted to tell you that your arms are looking a little big & not as defined as they usually are (which means I am not working out) & I really noticed them on Saturday at Kristen's baby shower. I just wanted to tell you because we are leaving for Barbados next month & I know how you are - we'll get there & you won't want to get in your bathing suit in front of my family & you'll be miserable the entire time we're there." Ouch. Yes, I admit that it hurt hearing those words but if your husband can't tell you the truth who will? We've always had that kind of relationship where we tell each other exactly what we're thinking...even if its painful. The entire time he was telling me all of that I was nodding my head in agreement because I know he's right. I always get self-conscious of my arms when I'm not working out because I feel like they get that fat look instead of that athletic look. I told him that I agreed with everything that he said because he is just trying to help me. After he realized that I was in agreement with what he was saying he proceeded to tell me, "when your Mom was here she looked fantastic (my Mom has lost about 25 lbs. & looks amazing - she worked her ass off to look that way too) & she is in her 50's & she has better arms than you do right now & you're only 27." Ouch times two. After all of this I told him that I would start up P90X again, which was my plan before we left for vacation but my laziness kicked in & I didn't start it. Dan agreed to do it with me if I wanted him to.
On Thursday when I got to work I ended up telling my co-workers about Dan & I's conversation. As I was telling them they got that wide eyed, open mouth look on their faces & they all said in unison, "did you smack him?"
So I started P90X on Thursday when I got home from work, I did the chest & back DVD & I was suppose to do the Ab Ripper DVD but I was shaking & so fatigued that I decided to do abs on Friday after work. Today I am so sore & completely miserable. I woke up this morning needing to scratch my back & I was unable to do it because of my soreness - I had to grab a hanger in order to scratch it. Pathetic. I'm hoping I only have a week or less of soreness but I guess we'll see. Wish me luck. . .

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Baby Shower....Awwwww

This past Saturday was my sister-in-law's baby shower at our house. My Mom drove down Friday morning & hung out at our house until I got off work. Since I just started my new job I didn't want to ask if I could have the day off or ask if I could leave early. Thankfully my Mom was able to entertain herself & even made a trip over to Wegman's. By the time I got home she had dinner on the table. :o) She's so sweet. We had taco salads & since Dan went golfing at the last minute on Friday afternoon it was just Mom & I. We ended up waiting for Dan to get home & then drove around to do some errands for Saturday's event. We had a lot of baking & decorating to do Friday night & after it was all said & done it was 12:00 a.m. by the time we crawled upstairs to go to sleep. On Saturday morning I still had to pick up the little things that had to wait until the day of, i.e. balloons. My Mom stayed home & started making her famous potato salad - Dan was very excited that she was making it & we were even able to stash a tupperware in the back of the fridge so he could have some after the shower was over.

Around 1:00 everyone started arriving; we had about 13 people in our house. Everyone survived even though it was a tight squeeze. Kristen was very appreciative & had a great time. Our first game of the day was the pacifier necklace game. Here's how it works, everyone wears a necklace & the rules are no one can cross their legs, their arms, they can't say the word baby & they can't say Rylee (the baby's name). Now most of the people in attendance at the shower were my in-laws & they took this game very seriously; some arguing was involved but it was smoothed over at the end. Our second game was a large baby bottle filled with different types of candy; everyone had to write down how many pieces they thought were in the bottle & whoever came closest without going over won a prize. Our third game was a diaper memory game involving different baby stickers that were placed inside cloth diapers & then passed around; everyone had to try & remember what order the stickers were in & at the end of the game they had to write down how many they could remember. This game was a bust because everyone was complaining that they couldn't remember the first 2 & come to find out there were so many ties that we just had to end up picking a number between 1 & 100 & having them guess. The winner of game 1 was Granny Bernie; game 2 was Skylar (my niece) & game 3 was Arden (also my niece).

Now its time for the are my favorites (Before everyone arrived)

(Dan picked this sleeper out for Rylee)
(We put together a little basket of things just for Mommy)
(The biggest gift we got for Rylee)
(This is a horrible picture of me but Kristen looks great - she definitely has the pregnancy glow)
(My Mom (not sure what happened to her smile), Me & Meta)
(Dan had the kids down in the basement & outside playing during the shower so after all the gifts were done he came up to hang out)

Some photos we took after everyone left...

The baby shower went very well & I'm so glad everyone enjoyed themselves. Thanks to everyone for coming & getting Kristen such cute baby stuff - I know she appreciated it. :o)

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Few Updates

First of all I want to apologize to anyone that checked our blog from about last night starting at 7:30 to this evening around 8:00. I was working on some things & Blogger would just not cooperate & do what I wanted it to do. Instead I got frustrated & ended up shutting the computer off & going to bed. It looked like a mess during that time so, I apologize.

Anyway, I decided to give you all a few updates on some random things...

(1) My Mom is coming down this Friday for my sister-in-law's baby shower. :o) She will be helping with the set up, etc. She was obviously invited & the whole point of her coming was to not do any work but if you know my Mom, she loves these kinds of things, so of course she's planning on cooking, baking, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not complaining but it would be nice if she could just come down here for a weekend & relax without any cleaning, cooking and so on. I doubt that will ever happen because she's not a sitter - she's gotta be constantly moving & being productive. I wonder why I missed out on that gene?

(2) Dan & I have talked more about getting a maid once a month to help out with the cleaning around our house & we decided to hold off since he will have the summer off & won't have to start an actual sport until August. He has promised me that he will help out with the cleaning so I don't spend all day on Saturday doing it myself. I am in agreement so far but if it gets to be too much, we are definitely going to revisit the idea. We shall see how it goes...

(3) While we were in PA for Memorial Day weekend, Lexi decided to try & chase a squirrel in my parents backyard while Dan was holding her on her lease. She pulled so hard that it broke her pink leather collar. I was very disappointed because it was so cute; it was crocodile print with silver bones around it...& of course hot pink. Instead she is now sporting a bright gold "necklace" (as I call it) with silver bling all around it. Here's a photo: Pretty cute, huh?

(4) A few weeks ago I had talked Dan into stopping at DSW while we were over at Target & we both picked up a little treat for ourselves. Dan ended up getting a pair of tennis shoes that I call "boat shoes" because you wear them without socks. Many times he has tried to sneak out of the house wearing a pair of house shoes that his Dad gave him. Every time I catch him my response is, "you are not going out in public wearing those things so go put something else on". He then groans & stomps upstairs. I think he's actually tricked me once & wore them out to dinner & I was mortified the entire time. The shoes that he picked out at DSW were a lot better & obviously more appropriate for going out in public. I ended up getting a new purse. :o) For the past several years anytime I came home with a new bag it was by Jessica Simpson. This time I came home with a BCBG bag. As Dan & I were standing in the cashier line I confessed to him that I felt guilty for not buying a Jessica Simpson bag; almost like I was cheating on her. His response was, "you're so weird". Yes, yes I am. When it comes to Jessica Simpson I admit that I'm a little out there. What can I say, I LOVE her. Since I am too lazy right now to go downstairs & take a photo of it, I'll have to post it later.

(5) On Sunday Dan & I went up to WV for our niece, Arden's, 11th birthday party. It was only a family party so we got to hang out & chit chat. We ended up getting her an outfit from Aeropostale & one from Hollister. Unfortunately, the outfit from Hollister was w-a-y to big - that's the last time I listen to a sales associate from that store. The dress & matching yellow sandals that we got at Aeropostale were so cute on her. I'm glad we were able to see her face when she opened them. When we got back home, Lexi & I had a little photo shoot:

Usually I have to bribe her to look at the camera but that day she was more than happy to participate, although in some she looks absolutely miserable. Thankfully Dan was downstairs taking a nap so I didn't have to hear, "you're such a dork" about a million times.

(6) Dan & I will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary on July 29, yes I said 5 years. Time sure does fly. We will be flying to Barbados on July 30 with the rest of his family. The only ones that are staying behind are Grannie Bernie & his brother Tom & his wife Kristen - her baby due date is August 3rd (I believe) so there is no way she would be able to fly with us. We are very excited for our trip & plan on celebrating our anniversary while we're there. I will be sure to put up a countdown as soon as Eclipse has been released in theaters. :o)

Well those are all the updates I have right now. I'll be getting things ready for the baby shower on Saturday & I'll be sure to take photos for everyone to see. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

On Wednesday last week Dan & I decided to go up to PA to visit my family since we had Monday off & I found out earlier that week that my office was closed on Friday due to the holiday weekend. (woo hoo!) I was very excited about that. Dan had to work half a day on Friday so we ended up leaving for PA around 1:30. We got just outside of Frostburg, on Route 68, & hit a huge storm that was passing through. We got hail, lighting, strong winds & because of all that we couldn't see 2 feet in front of our faces. We were driving 15 mph on the highway & everyone had their flashers on. Dan kept saying, "mother nature is literally pissing her pants!" He must have said it at least 100 times. It was funny the first time but after the 99th time, I had to tell him to shut up. Here is a video I took:
We had looked up the storm on Dan's blackberry &, of course, we were right inside the red area where the storm was going through. Thankfully it cleared up after a while & we made it to my parents house. Our first night there was laid back & we ended up cooking out because the weather was so nice. On Saturday my Dad & Dan decided to go golfing in the afternoon so my Mom, Ben & I drove up to Washington, PA & hit the outlets that they just built up there - they were pretty nice. I definitely did some damage to Dan & I's bank account because as soon as I found the Banana Republic outlet store, it was all over. I must've spent 2 hours in there & tried on so many clothes. I eventually settled on several work outfits & a few hundred dollars later, I finally left the store. After my shopping spree, I instantly felt buyers remorse & had to call Dan to tell him what happened & ask if he thought I should take any of it back. He calmed me down & I ended up keeping everything. After an eventful day at the outlets, we met my Dad & Dan at a mexican restaurant that my Mom & I use to go to all the time when I still lived in PA after our shopping trips. We had some great food & I totally think if they had a restaurant down here in VA we wouldn't be eating at Don Pablo's anymore.
On Sunday my Mom & I ran some errands & bought a few things for the baby shower that I'm throwing for my sister-in-law Kristen next weekend. Photos will definitely follow. :o)
On Monday my Dad & Dan decided to get up early & go golfing, again. While they were out I decided to give my Mom a pedicure because she had been wanting to try out her new black nail polish. Yes, I said black. I was hesitant at first because that's totally out of character for my Mom but after 2 coats, it looked great! I never should've doubted her because she usually has very good taste. After several coats, I talked her into letting me paint a flower on one of her toes & it turned out so cute. Here are the photos: After my Mom's toes turned out so cute she decided to give me polka dots: We had fun painting our toes & catching up on girl talk. I miss those times with my Mom & wish she lived closer; having girl talk on the phone is definitely not the same as having it in person. Shortly after that we drove back home to VA. We had a fun weekend with my family & can't wait to see them again.
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