First of all I want to apologize to anyone that checked our blog from about last night starting at 7:30 to this evening around 8:00. I was working on some things & Blogger would just not cooperate & do what I wanted it to do. Instead I got frustrated & ended up shutting the computer off & going to bed. It looked like a mess during that time so, I apologize.
Anyway, I decided to give you all a few updates on some random things...
(1) My Mom is coming down this Friday for my sister-in-law's baby shower. :o) She will be helping with the set up, etc. She was obviously invited & the whole point of her coming was to not do any work but if you know my Mom, she loves these kinds of things, so of course she's planning on cooking, baking, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not complaining but it would be nice if she could just come down here for a weekend & relax without any cleaning, cooking and so on. I doubt that will ever happen because she's not a sitter - she's gotta be constantly moving & being productive. I wonder why I missed out on that gene?
(2) Dan & I have talked more about getting a maid once a month to help out with the cleaning around our house & we decided to hold off since he will have the summer off & won't have to start an actual sport until August. He has promised me that he will help out with the cleaning so I don't spend all day on Saturday doing it myself. I am in agreement so far but if it gets to be too much, we are definitely going to revisit the idea. We shall see how it goes...
(3) While we were in PA for Memorial Day weekend, Lexi decided to try & chase a squirrel in my parents backyard while Dan was holding her on her lease. She pulled so hard that it broke her pink leather collar. I was very disappointed because it was so cute; it was crocodile print with silver bones around it...& of course hot pink. Instead she is now sporting a bright gold "necklace" (as I call it) with silver bling all around it. Here's a photo:
Pretty cute, huh?
(4) A few weeks ago I had talked Dan into stopping at DSW while we were over at Target & we both picked up a little treat for ourselves. Dan ended up getting a pair of tennis shoes that I call "boat shoes" because you wear them without socks. Many times he has tried to sneak out of the house wearing a pair of house shoes that his Dad gave him. Every time I catch him my response is, "you are not going out in public wearing those things so go put something else on". He then groans & stomps upstairs. I think he's actually tricked me once & wore them out to dinner & I was mortified the entire time. The shoes that he picked out at DSW were a lot better & obviously more appropriate for going out in public. I ended up getting a new purse. :o) For the past several years anytime I came home with a new bag it was by Jessica Simpson. This time I came home with a BCBG bag. As Dan & I were standing in the cashier line I confessed to him that I felt guilty for not buying a Jessica Simpson bag; almost like I was cheating on her. His response was, "you're so weird". Yes, yes I am. When it comes to Jessica Simpson I admit that I'm a little out there. What can I say, I LOVE her. Since I am too lazy right now to go downstairs & take a photo of it, I'll have to post it later.
(5) On Sunday Dan & I went up to WV for our niece, Arden's, 11th birthday party. It was only a family party so we got to hang out & chit chat. We ended up getting her an outfit from Aeropostale & one from Hollister. Unfortunately, the outfit from Hollister was w-a-y to big - that's the last time I listen to a sales associate from that store. The dress & matching yellow sandals that we got at Aeropostale were so cute on her. I'm glad we were able to see her face when she opened them. When we got back home, Lexi & I had a little photo shoot:
Usually I have to bribe her to look at the camera but that day she was more than happy to participate, although in some she looks absolutely miserable. Thankfully Dan was downstairs taking a nap so I didn't have to hear, "you're such a dork" about a million times.
(6) Dan & I will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary on July 29, yes I said 5 years. Time sure does fly. We will be flying to Barbados on July 30 with the rest of his family. The only ones that are staying behind are Grannie Bernie & his brother Tom & his wife Kristen - her baby due date is August 3rd (I believe) so there is no way she would be able to fly with us. We are very excited for our trip & plan on celebrating our anniversary while we're there. I will be sure to put up a countdown as soon as Eclipse has been released in theaters. :o)
Well those are all the updates I have right now. I'll be getting things ready for the baby shower on Saturday & I'll be sure to take photos for everyone to see. Enjoy the rest of your week!