It has been over 2 months since I got my new car, aka Phoebe, & I thought I would share some of the things that I have come across since I've been driving her. First of all, Dan & I have played the punch bug game since we started dating in college; I've played it since I was little but most of my friends tell me that I'm not allowed to play it with them because I punch too hard. I think its because I just get too excited & don't know my own strength, but lately Dan has been saying the same thing. So now instead of a punch they get a tap on the arm or leg which is not as much fun. So the Monday after I got Phoebe I was driving to work & noticed at stoplights that people beside me, that were in the driver's seat, were getting punched because of my car (Haha). The first time I saw it, it was a son punching his Mom who started laughing as soon as she looked over & saw me. The second time was a lawn company truck filled with workers & the passenger hit the driver who didn't find it very funny once he realized why he got hit. I, of course, was laughing. Here I thought I was the only one that still played it!
Since I've had Phoebe I see Beetles all the time now; I use to rarely see them & when I did I would get so excited & try to pull up next to them & take a peek inside. Now they're everywhere.
I absolutely love that Phoebe is a convertible & even in the 98 degree weather I was riding home with the top down, sweating my ass off. When I would get home Dan would ask, "babe, why is your butt all wet" & my response would be, "oh I drove home with the top down & its like 200 degrees outside & since I sweat like a man this is what happens to me." He stopped asking after that.
One day after work I decided to put the top down when it was cloudy & looked like rain - I figured I could make it home in time. While I was on Route 28, 2 exits from my exit, it started to sprinkle & I was at a stand still in traffic. I decided to just go with it & lay my head back & let the rain hit my face (so not like me - I'm a big hair & makeup person). As I was sitting there & getting cooled off, a man next to me in a white van said, "you'd better put your top up." I looked over & said, "nah, that's alright its just water, I won't melt." He then said, "I don't know, you look pretty sweet to me." :o( I instantly rolled up my windows & thankfully the traffic started to move & I was able to cut in front of him. To quote Sandra Lue, "really?" "Really?"
The weekend that we bought Phoebe, I hooked Lexi's carseat up & took her for a ride - she liked it at first but then when we would drive past a large sign, tree, etc. she would duck down in her carseat like she was going to get hit by it. She wasn't use to the convertible at all. After several rides in the car, she was so much better & now
loves it. On really hot days I leave the top up & roll down all the windows so she has shade while we're driving. Here's some photos of us driving to the vet a few weeks ago:
Loving all the wind.
Hot, but excited to be going bye bye.
Its so funny when Lexi gets to ride in Phoebe because she gets so many waves & smiles from people passing us. When we're at a stoplight, people roll down their windows & talk to her. In my old car she sat so low that no one could really see her unless she was sticking her head out the window, but now she is eye level with the road & can be seen even when she's just sitting down in her carseat.
Before school started, Dan & I went to the Leesburg Outlets to get some back to school clothes & we took Lexi with us. Here's a photo that Dan took with his cell phone while looking into the rear view mirror sitting at a stoplight:
This makes me laugh just looking at it.
One of the features that I love about Phoebe is she has a vase to put flowers in. After a few tries of trying to find a flower that I liked & that looked right, here's what I decided to go with:
Pink & Cream Hydrangea :o)
Now as I said above, I am a big hair person so before I got Phoebe I would never let Dan roll the windows down while we were on our way out to dinner/meeting friends, etc. He would always have to have the air conditioning on. Now that I have a convertible, I have one rule: the top is not allowed down when we are on our way out; when we are on our way home, the top can be put down. I don't care about my hair then.
Dan loves Phoebe but has said that he will never be seen driving her by himself. The only time he drives her is when I'm in the car with him. I did manage to take a picture of him after dinner this weekend though:
I was hoping to get a picture of Dan, Lexi & I sitting in Phoebe but haven't had the opportunity yet. More pics to come...:o)