Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lexi's Day At The Field

Last weekend, Dan had to do some work on the baseball field at the high school in order to get ready for baseball practice that was starting that Monday. He came up with the idea of taking Lexi over so she could run around while he worked. I thought it was a great idea since the weather was nice, so that morning while we were there I took a short video of her playing on one of the new turf fields. She had some problems getting the little rubber black beads in her mouth when she would go to grab her ball & then proceeded to hack up a lung to get them out; I don't think she liked it that much but we got to run around for a little while. She looses interest pretty quickly in this video but she still looks cute so I had to share it:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

YouTube: Born This Way

On my way to work yesterday morning I heard this video being played on the morning radio show that I listen to. I made a mental note to look it up when I got home & this little girl is adorable. Her name is Maria & you gotta watch it. wrote "a 10 year old from Winnipeg, Canada became world wide popular overnight after Lady Gaga told that she was put into tears after hearing Maria's version of her carrier single Born This Way from her just released album.

Lady Gaga tweeted: Can't stop crying watching this. This is why I make music. She is the future."

It Grew On Me

When Cee Lo's "Forget You" song came out on the radio, I absolutely hated it. I thought it was so stupid. My brother even shared the video link with me on Facebook & I still didn't like it. After I saw his performance with Gwyneth Paltrow at the Grammy's I actually like it now. Here is a video of the performance:

*Keep an eye on the puppet that is to Cee Lo's right, he really gets into his dance moves & he cracks me up! Every time I watch him I laugh until my eyes water.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Treat For Lexi

While we were out & about this past weekend, Dan wanted to buy Lexi a bone for Valentine's Day. We usually buy her the sticks that she chews on but she really hasn't been liking those lately, so we decided to try a bone. She loves it...

Happy Valentine's Day to our little sweetie.

Weekend(s) In Virginia

Dan & I's nieces, Arden & Skylar, asked to spend a weekend with us in Virginia as their Christmas presents. We have done this before but we had them on the same weekend together & this time they wanted to come separately. Since it was such a big hit before they wanted to continue with it. We gave them each $50 to spend on their shopping trips. Arden's weekend was January 29th & Skylar's was February 5th. Arden chose to go to Tysons Corner mall & Skylar chose the Dulles Town Center mall. Arden had her time at the mall all planned out, she wanted to go to MAC to get a new shade of lip gloss & then go to Sephora to get her makeup done. I had scheduled an "educational" makeup appointment earlier on & her appointment was at 1:00 that day. Here is a photo I took: She really learned a lot & left the appointment knowing that less is more.
During our trip to Tysons, I went into the Guess store where I found the handbag that I had fallen in love with in Barbados over the summer. I ended up coming home with the bag & a big thank you goes out to my Hubby. When we got home Arden took this picture of me, my bag & Lexi: Isn't it pretty? :o)
When we got home & were talking about makeup, we realized that Dan wasn't making a lot of noise & that's because... he had shopped until he dropped. :o)
Skylar's shopping trip was a little less planned out. She knew the stores she wanted to hit at the Dulles Town Center mall but she wasn't quite sure what she wanted to buy. We went to a store called Justice where she found some perfume & a hair brush that she really liked. I was very impressed with her frugalness because she would analyze each item before purchasing to make sure that she really wanted to spend her money on it. Arden didn't do that, if she wanted it, she bought it. Here is a photo I took of Skylar with all of her purchases:
While the girls were here for their weekends, they both chose to eat at The Cheesecake Factory so Dan & I were lucky enough to eat there 2 Saturdays in a row. The three of us after we ate; Arden had asked me to curl her hair for dinner.
Unfortunately during Skylar's dinner, she was having some problems with one of her teeth that was loose; she told us that it was hurting her so we didn't really take any photos. As we were leaving the restaurant I told her that we would get some oragel at the grocery store when we go to buy supplies for sundaes & amazingly enough, there was no more pain once we mentioned sundaes; she was very distracted by what kind of toppings she wanted to get. :o)
While the girls were here we also had movie night. Arden's pick: The Last Exorcism. Skylar's pick: Eclipse.
We had a great time spending the weekend(s) with Arden & Skylar. Here are some of my favorite moments:

Arden's Weekend -
~ Listening to Dan & Arden sing-a-long to Ke$ha during our drive to Tysons.
Perusing the makeup products in MAC & looking over to see Dan’s tortured expression.
~ The makeup artists face at Sephora after Arden showed her what kind of colors she likes to wear, i.e., neon green eye shadow & electric pink lipstick.
~ My new Guess bag!
~ Dan explaining to the makeup artist that men like women that wear less makeup on their faces; “we like more of a natural look.”
~ Arden’s epiphany that more makeup isn’t always better & that “neutral shades make you look more normal.”
~ Watching The Last Exorcism after breakfast on Sunday & Arden telling me, “cover your eyes Danielle, I think something scary is going to happen.” I did what she said. :o)

Skylar's Weekend -
~ The big hug that she gave me when she first got to our house.
~ The lip gloss that she saw & loved at Express but then realized that it was $24 & she put it back.
~ The temperature updates that she gave Dan & I each time she got back in Phoebe, i.e. "the temperature is 36 degrees, it's 1 degree warmer than the last time I told you guys."
~ Brushing Lexi with the makeup brushes that she bought from her shopping trip.
~ Her excitement when she realized that Phoebe has turn signals on the side mirrors & her saying, "oooo pretty!" (& pointing at it).
~ Her explaining the love triangle of Edward, Bella & Jacob to Dan while watching Eclipse.

We love you girls.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Little Goes A Long Way

This week I received some information in the mail regarding the ASPCA which is the organization that Dan & I started giving to last year; we donate monthly & I decided to continue with them for the 2011 year. Since college I have donated yearly with a charity/organization of my choice. For several years I donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital & last year was my first year donating to the ASPCA; yes, those sad commercials got to me. I know I'm not the only one. What can I say? It makes me feel good that Dan & I are able to give to others that are in need...whether that be children, adults or those cute furry animals. For those of you that have been thinking about donating to a charity/organization this year but just can't decide, I have provided some links below that you can consider.

Click here to donate.

Click here to donate.

If you have a family member/friend that has suffered or is suffering with a disability you can always donate to that cause:

Click here to visit their website.

Click here to visit their website.

Click here to visit their website.

Obviously these are just to give some ideas, there are tons out there; the great part is that you get to pick who you want to help or not help. You could always take George Costanza's idea & donate to The Human Fund. ;o) (Oh come on! Seinfeld?? Hello?! If you have no idea what I'm taking about then I am very disappointed in you.)

Happy donating everyone. :o)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To Lucas, With Love

At work last Monday, during our morning meeting, we all found out that Peter (one of the attorney's in our office) & his dog, Lucas, were attacked by a Pit Bull mix while they were taking a walk on Friday night. Apparently the Pit Bull was playing ball with his owner in the tennis courts & one of the gates was left open, so when he saw Lucas walk by he sprinted over to him. After a few sniffs, Lucas started to turn & walk back towards Peter & the Pit Bull lunged & bit Lucas around the neck, shaking him violently & refusing to let go. Poor Lucas was yelping & lying on the cement while Peter was trying everything to get the Pit Bull off of him. There are several other horrible details but I'm not going to share those with you; my stomach was in knots while Peter was telling us exactly what happened & I really don't want to get that sick feeling again. Lucas was taken to the vet & treated for his injuries. I just felt terrible for him because he is one of the sweetest dogs.
On my way home from work last Monday night, I decided to make Lucas a little get well present, so I stopped at Target & bought a container that could be used for treats. When I got home, Lexi & I went to work on baking some homemade doggie treats. I got the recipe from my Mom who made them for Lexi while we were up in PA for Christmas; she gave me several to take home & Lexi loves them. Here is what they looked like on the cookie sheet: I made circles & stars this time.
While the treats were baking in the oven, Lexi was firmly planted in front of the stove & following me back & forth hoping I would drop a few pieces on the ground that she could eat. After the baking was said & done, I ended up feeding her like 5 treats. She was just too cute, I couldn't say no.
As the treats baked, I decorated the container with stickers & here are pictures of each side: The front of the container - "L.U.C.A.S"
"Good Boy"
The finished product. :o)
After I filled Lexi's treat container & Lucas', I had several treats left so I put 3 to 4 pieces in separate gift baggies & took them to work for all of my co-workers dogs. They were very excited & some even said, "tell Lexi thank you for sharing her treats." :o) Peter was also very appreciative for Lucas' gift & even commented, "this is the coolest thing I've ever seen, it even has his name on it!"
Since the treats were such a big hit with the puppies, I've been asked to share the recipe:

Puppy Poppers
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 tbsp. baking powder
1 cup flour
*I doubled this recipe & was planning on freezing a bag until I decided to share them. They freeze well & defrost in about 5 mins.

Bake at 400 degrees on an ungreased cookie sheet for 6 mins., turn over & bake otherside for 6 mins.
*My oven cooked these pretty fast so I only had to bake them for 4 mins. on each side, you might want to play around with it.

To Mamba, Tessa, Lola, Cuddles, Mona, Clyde, Princess, Mason, Otto & Ellie - I'm glad you all enjoyed your homemade treats & we promise to share the next batch with you all. :o)
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