On August 6th, I started my last 30 days of Insanity which is a totally different set of DVDs. Needless to say, they are extremely harder than the first 30 days, but I guess that was to be expected. Now I understand why it’s called Insanity – those DVDs pushed me to a whole other workout level & after doing P90X, I didn’t even think that was possible. Throughout the 60 days, I was mostly excited to do the workouts. I had a few days where I just didn’t feel like working out but I forced myself to do it & afterward I felt better having done it. The calendar that I used to track my workouts showed that I missed 4 days due to sickness; I made up 3 of those days with my off days (Sundays) so there’s only 1 DVD that I didn’t actually do. I think that’s pretty good, if you ask me. I was also very thankful to have been able use the high school weight room for most of my work outs & being able to do the DVDs with Dan for the first 3-4 weeks & then with Kateri 3 to 4 days a week thereafter. As I’ve said before, working out with a buddy is so much more fun. Throughout our Insanity workouts (& when I say “our” I mean me, Dan & Kateri) we would take some goofy pictures in the weight room relishing in our post-workout glow. :P For those of you that aren’t on Facebook, here are the photos that were taken:
Kateri & I flexing our muscles.
I wanted to take a pick of Dan on my back & he wanted to take one of me on his shoulders - so, we did both...
Now for some flexing photos:
My favorite results photo. =)
Dan said, "Give me some Hulk Hogan."