Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Color Run

Last Sunday Kateri & I participated in "the happiest 5k on the planet," also known as The Color Run. A week before she sent me an email with the race information asking if I wanted to run with her; I had never heard of The Color Run before but when she sent me the website information & I saw this video, I just had to do it - it looked so fun:

The race was held at The National Harbor in DC & there were 5,000 people that came out to run/walk; there were all age groups & tons of kids. Here are a few pics of us pre-race:

Waiting for our heat to be called.

Buddies =)

A few days before the race we were told by a couple people that had ran in it before to make sure we wore sunglasses & had something to cover our nose & mouth when we ran through the color stations; apparently it can be difficult to breathe - so glad we listed to them because it was a huge help.

Since the race isn't actually timed, we decided to keep track with Kateri's iPhone just to see how we did at the end; we weren't actually racing because Kateri also wanted to take pics throughout, but we wanted to see what our time was at the end. There were alot of walkers & families with multiple kids in strollers so we spent most of the time dodging & weaving the large groups, but it was still alot of fun. Throughout the course there were signs like this:

There were also signs that said, "Woo Hoo, Here Comes the Blue!" & "Orange You Excited?!" Kateri also took some "action shots" where she would run ahead & snap pics of me running towards her (she's so goofy) but of course I did the same for her:

"Run Dani Run!"

We ended the race by the water & were greeted by a large group of vendors & a live band. The pic below was right before we crossed the finish line...our time was 28:04.

We were each given our own individual packet of color powder & were then counted down by the live band for us to group together & throw the color either at each other or up in the air:

It's now time to assess the color damage...below is us pre-race:


Post-race damage. =P

If you'd like to see if The Color Run comes to your area, check out their website here. We highly recommend it & all proceeds go to Children's Hospital.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Capital Throwdown Recap

As most of you already know, I competed in my first crossfit competition on April 20th with my friend/teammate, Jenn. It was held at our gym (Capital MMA & Elite Fitness) in Dulles, VA. The day started at 8:00 a.m. & ended around 8:00 p.m., once all the awards were given out. My Mom came down for the weekend & a few of my friends stopped by to cheer us on - I was so thankful for them coming out & showing their support; I was especially excited that my Mom made the trip down:

Mom & Me before warming up

The competition consisted of 4 WODs & each one was broken up into heats - there were 4 divisions: co-ed, male/male, female/female & scaled. Each division would have 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners. The WODs were as follows:

WOD #1
2:00 minutes per station.
Only one athlete may work at a time.
Station #1
Max Rope Climbs (Rx’d) 4:1 Rope Climbs (Scaled)
*Athletes must touch the knot at the top of the rope and may not dismount until the feet have touched the tapeline at the bottom. For the scaled teams the rope climbs will be done by lying on the floor and pulling themselves up hand-over-hand to a standing position.
:20 Second transition
Station #2
10 meter Farmers Walk 75#/55# (Rx’d) 55#/35# (Scaled)
(one kettlebell in each hand for RX’d teams)
(one dumbbell in each hand for scaled teams)
*Completion of each 10 meter walk counts as one rep. Both feet must cross the line for the rep to count.
:20 Second transition
Station #3
Sandbag Step-Up 24″/20″ — 45#/25# (Rx’d) 24″/20″ — 25#/0# (Scaled)
*Sandbag may not touch the floor during the two minutes or 10 burpee penalty is incurred. Must reach full extension at the top of the box.
:20 Second transition
Station #4
Dummy Bag Slam 100#/70# (Rx’d) 70#/45# (Scaled)
*The dummy must be lifted above the waist and pause on the shoulder (in standing position) for a second before you can slam it down. You may slam it down in front of the body or over the shoulder.
:20 Second transition
Station #5
Bench Press 185#/115# (Rx’d) 135#/85# (Scaled)
*Barbell must touch the chest and elbows must achieve full lock out at the top of the rep.
**Points are awarded by accumulated reps from each station.

Jenn & I in line for our heat to be called.
Gotta love rope climbs.
Farmers walk.
Sandbag step-ups.


Dummy bag slams.

Kettlebell Bombshells were in 2nd place after this WOD. =)

WOD #2
10 minute AMRAP of:
20 Deadlifts #225/#155 (Rx’d) 155#/115# (Scaled)
40 GHD Sit-Ups Rx’d 40 Abmat (Scaled)
80 Double Unders Rx’d 200 Singles (Scaled)
*Deadlift: Full extension of the knees and hips must be met. Shoulders must be behind the bar upon full extension.
**GHD Sit-Ups: Athletes must touch at least one hand on the plate at the bottom. At least one hand must touch the pad (locking in ankles) in front of you at the top of the rep.
***Double Unders: The rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps are counted, no attempts will be counted.
****Points are awarded by total reps completed.

Watching Jenn do her thing on GHDs.

My turn.
It's a love/hate relationship when it comes to GHDs.

Double unders. 

Kettlebell Bombshells were in 2nd place after this WOD. =)

WOD #3
7 minute AMRAP of:
With a partner and one barbell: (except for mixed teams there will be a barbell for the male and female)
1 Squat Clean 165#/115# (Rx’d) 135#/85# (Scaled)
2 Squat Clean 165#/115# (Rx’d) 135#/85# (Scaled)
3 Squat Clean 165#/115# (Rx’d) 135#/85# (Scaled)
*Hip crease below the knee for the squat, full hip extension at the top of the clean
**One athlete works while the other rests. If Josh and Matt are partners, Josh does one rep then Matt does one rep. Josh does two reps and then Matt does two. Josh does three reps and Matt does three reps. That is one round. They would then repeat the same sequence, 1.2.3…1.2.3…
***Partial rounds count. Score as complete rounds + extra reps (i.e., 4+6=18 reps).4 rds. =12 reps plus partial 6 reps for a total of 18 reps.
****Points are awarded by total reps completed.


Kettlebell Bombshells were in 2nd place after this WOD. =)

Just before our last WOD - yep, I bought him that shirt. =)

WOD #4
For Time: (15 time minute cap) - “Nasty Girl”.
Thrusters 95#/65# (Rx’d) 65#/45# (Scaled)
*For the Thruster: the bar starts on the ground. No racks allowed. The hip crease must pass below the knees. A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed if the bar is on the ground. The barbell must come to a full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the body.
**For the Pull Ups: Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.
30 Clean & Jerks 135#/95# (Rx’d) 95#/65# (Scaled)
*The barbell begins on the ground. Touch and go is permitted. No bouncing. The barbell must make contact with the shoulders, such that the lift is in two distinct phases, the clean, and then the jerk. Snatching is not permitted. A shoulder press, push press, push jerk or split jerk may be used, as long as the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees are fully extended, and the bar finishes directly over the body with the feet in line. If the jerk is missed but brought back to the front rack, the Athlete may re-attempt the jerk from there without taking the barbell back to the floor.
**Points are awarded by fastest time completed. There will be a one second penalty for every rep not completed within the time cap.

Jenn doing Fran - her pull ups are money.

Me doing Grace.

4 WODs completed.

Kettlebell Bombshells slipped to 3rd place after this WOD....3rd place ain't too damn bad if you ask me. =)

I think this quote sums my first competition up perfectly...

...I couldn't have asked for a better teammate & am very much looking forward to our other competitions coming up later this year.

Lulu Love

A few months ago I was introduced to the wonderful & expensive world of lululemon. For those of you that aren't aware of these workout clothes, The quality of their gear is amazing & yes, you are going to pay for it. Since I spend roughly 20 or more hours a week in the gym now I'm chalking them up to a good investment.
I'm officially addicted to their "speed shorts" which I have seen tons of women crossfitters wearing; I've also added a "street to studio jacket" & a pair of their "studio pants" to my increasing collection. When I first started shopping at lulu I wasn't a huge fan of their sports bras....until I tried one on - I now own one of those too. =) Dan has also added a lulu workout shirt to his collection.
So, what are you waiting for?? Go check them out.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Little Motivation . . .


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