Friday, July 19, 2013

Atlas Games

On June 15th I competed in a crossfit competition called the Atlas Games which was held in Maryland. This was my second competition since starting crossfit in 2012 & I was especially excited about it because it was teams of 4. I was recruited to join Team Black Sheep by a friend that workout occasionally at my gym. The team required 2 males & 2 females; the other female on our team was driving down from Philadelphia. About a week before the competition I had rolled my ankle doing sprints during a workout. Needless to say I was totally pissed & couldn't believe the bad timing. After resting it for several days, I decided to compete anyway.

Competition day went as follows:

WOD #1

15 minute AMRAP
50 Handstand Pushups
50 Front Rack Barbell Lunges (135#/95#)
50 Burpee Box Jumps (20 inches)

*Team Black Sheep came in 16th after this WOD. My ankle held up nicely on the box jumps & lunges.

WOD #2

10 minute Time Cap
250m Row Spring per Athlete
Partner Carry - down & back
Max Rep Pullups/Partner Dead Hang

*Team Black Sheep came in 19th after this WOD. The ankle started to hurt after this workout & my good ankle was giving me problems due to overcompensating. =/

Photo op right before starting the third & final workout. My Dad was able to come down from PA to cheer me on, I was so excited he was able to make the trip:

WOD #3

10 minute Time Cap
5 minute Max Rep Synchronized Overhead Squats (135#/85#)
1 minute Bar Bell Setup
4 minute Max Rep Synchronized Deadlifts (405#/315#)

Mike & I busting out some overhead squats.

Synchronized Deadlifts:

*Team Black Sheep came in 16th after this WOD out of 24 teams that competed. The ankle was shot going into this WOD & both ankles were wrapped at this point. Once I started working the pain went away, but as soon as I sat down it came right back. I was glad I finished though, didn't want to let my team down.

Final photo of Team Black Sheep, bum ankle included. From left to right - Mike, Me, Gerard (a/k/a 300) & Mischa:

A Little Motivation. . .

Yep, I am waayyy behind on my posts but I thought the best way to get back into it would be a motivational quote:


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