Saturday, December 8, 2012

Crossfit Total

On Friday I went to class to find that we were doing Muscle Ups (MUs). For those of us that still can't do them yet it was a time to practice technique & get better. After that, Coach Jen came up to me & asked if I had done the Crossfit Total workout yet. Unfortunately, I was sick that day so that was one that I missed. She was nice enough to offer to stay after class to take me through it.

The Crossfit Total consists of 3 moves: Back Squat (BS), Strict Press (SP) & Deadlift (DL). Finding out your total will help you with the Strength Workouts Of the Day (SWODs); for those that compete on a regular basis, they do SWODs every day before the actual WOD.

The first one up was my Back Squat. The key is to only do a total of 5 lifts per move. You'll tire out alot faster if you start low in weight & gradually work your way up. It's best to start at medium weight & jump higher as you go. My max on BS was 200 lbs. Coach Jen really helped with the racking of the weight & calculating totals; she's been doing this for several years so she knows that not telling the person how much weight is being added helps with their lift. Once you have a number in your head it starts to become mental & you can sike yourself out that way. There were several times after my lifts that she would tell me what I just did & I would give her an Elaine shove & say, "No shit!"

My second was Strict Press. This one is much harder because you can't use your legs for momentum to get the weight up. It's from your collar bone & straight up. For women this move is harder than it is for men. My max on SP was 100 lbs. I did attempt 105 lbs. but got stuck right at my chin & couldn't take it any higher. So we marked that as attempted but failed.

The third and final move was Deadlift. I was very thankful that Coach Jen let me borrow her lifting belt through this workout because I don't have one. Christmas present, hint hint! :P Since Jen still had to do her DLs, we switched on & off. Mid-way through she said, "This is what a competition will be like; you & me girl...banging it out." When I first started Crossfit, she came up to me saying "I've been waiting for a girl partner to compete with - I'm waiting for you." It makes me feel good knowing someone wants me as their partner in something that is so physically and mentally straining & has faith that I'm capable of competing. My max on DL was 225 lbs.

After we added it all up I was left with:

A Crossfit Total of 525 lbs.!! I was so excited that I was skipping/running around the gym. Coach Jen joined in. =)
So now that I knew what my total was I could go back to the website & check the class rankings that were posted for that WOD. They are as follows:
I'm in the "Advanced" ranking for women (insert pat on the back). =)

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