Monday, June 21, 2010


So last week Dan came home & was itching like crazy & asked me if I thought the red bumps all over him were a type of poison. Instantly I said yes & told him to stop scratching & to put calamine lotion all over him. I had also kicked him out of the bedroom for the week because I get poison, any kind of poison, so easily. I remember the first time I had it in middle school & I missed a week of school because I had it all over me, including in my eyes & in my throat. I had to go the ER a few times to get shots in order to get rid of it. The most recent was in college & I had it so bad that my arms swelled up & it was so painful that I had to take days off from work, I was at Applebee's at the time, & I was in so much pain. Well guess what? I now have poison. Dan seems to think its from working in the yard on Saturday but my response to that is that I've been working in the yard since we moved in to our house & have never once got poison. As soon as Dan comes home with poison from the golf course & the high school baseball field, I suddenly break out. So, I'm blaming him. The itching is pretty annoying but its not to the point where I have to itch it because its life or death. I've reached that point before & I'm not there yet...hopefully I don't get to that point. I went to Target today after work & bought the necessities so I'm crossing my fingers that between my over-the-counter products & home remedies it will hopefully go away sooner than later.

On a lighter note, Dan & I ripped out the huge shrubs that we had in front of our house & I took some photos so you'll be able to see how good it looks. We plan on putting others in their place but we're waiting until next month to do that. I'll be sure to post those when I'm in a better mood. Until then, say a little prayer for me tonight that this poison will be somewhat dried up tomorrow. Well, I'm going to say bye for now...I took 2 Benadryl 35 minutes ago & I think they are kicking in so goodnight.


  1. Okay, is poison the same as poison ivy?

  2. Oh and PS-so sorry you have all that itching! I hope it goes away soon!

  3. Yes, poison is the same as poison ivy - I say poison because it includes ivy, sumac, etc. & I'm not quite sure which one I have. Thanks Laura, I hope it goes away soon too!


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