Saturday, June 19, 2010

Truthful But Brutal

On Wednesday Dan & I were out on the deck playing Uno & about half way into our second game he said, "babe, can I tell you something without you getting mad?" Now usually when those words come out of his mouth its either about my weight or he doesn't like how I'm wearing my hair, etc. My response was, "it depends on what it is". He instantly said, "nevermind" & then I had to drag it out of him because you can't say something like that & then refuse to tell me what it is. After 5 minutes of saying, "just tell me already!" This is what he said, "I just wanted to tell you that your arms are looking a little big & not as defined as they usually are (which means I am not working out) & I really noticed them on Saturday at Kristen's baby shower. I just wanted to tell you because we are leaving for Barbados next month & I know how you are - we'll get there & you won't want to get in your bathing suit in front of my family & you'll be miserable the entire time we're there." Ouch. Yes, I admit that it hurt hearing those words but if your husband can't tell you the truth who will? We've always had that kind of relationship where we tell each other exactly what we're thinking...even if its painful. The entire time he was telling me all of that I was nodding my head in agreement because I know he's right. I always get self-conscious of my arms when I'm not working out because I feel like they get that fat look instead of that athletic look. I told him that I agreed with everything that he said because he is just trying to help me. After he realized that I was in agreement with what he was saying he proceeded to tell me, "when your Mom was here she looked fantastic (my Mom has lost about 25 lbs. & looks amazing - she worked her ass off to look that way too) & she is in her 50's & she has better arms than you do right now & you're only 27." Ouch times two. After all of this I told him that I would start up P90X again, which was my plan before we left for vacation but my laziness kicked in & I didn't start it. Dan agreed to do it with me if I wanted him to.
On Thursday when I got to work I ended up telling my co-workers about Dan & I's conversation. As I was telling them they got that wide eyed, open mouth look on their faces & they all said in unison, "did you smack him?"
So I started P90X on Thursday when I got home from work, I did the chest & back DVD & I was suppose to do the Ab Ripper DVD but I was shaking & so fatigued that I decided to do abs on Friday after work. Today I am so sore & completely miserable. I woke up this morning needing to scratch my back & I was unable to do it because of my soreness - I had to grab a hanger in order to scratch it. Pathetic. I'm hoping I only have a week or less of soreness but I guess we'll see. Wish me luck. . .

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