Dan & I live in our townhouse in Sterling, VA with our maltipoo, Lexi. Dan is a history teacher & coach at Herndon High School, who just got his Masters in Education; I work as a legal assistant at a criminal/civil law firm in Fairfax & I love my job. I am the planner of our little family & Dan is the go with the flow personality. Our schedules are pretty hectic but when we have free time we love spending it with our family & friends.
Thank you for stopping by & reading what's going on in our lives. :]
This past Sunday was JT’s 2nd Birthday party in Hagerstown, MD at Monkey Joe's. Before our drive up there, Dan & I stopped & ate breakfast at Mimi's Cafe by the Dulles Town Center Mall & we highly recommend it if anyone is looking for a yummy breakfast. We had never been but the food was so good that we’re definitely going back. They give you freshly baked muffins with your breakfast people, yes we are definitely going back. So on our drive up to Monkey Joe’s, Dan was talking about how he couldn’t wait to get there & jump in the “bouncy balls” with Jackson. I kept reminding him that they do not have bouncy balls, they are bouncy houses. It didn’t matter because 2 minutes later he was back to saying “bouncy balls.” Needless to say he was very excited. We arrived around 1:15 p.m., fashionably late because the party started at 1:00 p.m. While we were checking in to see where JT’s party was, we were informed that adults could not get into the bouncy houses with the children. Dan was not happy when he heard this & actually gave one of the employee’s there a hard time saying, “are you kidding me?” “why can’t I go in there?” “well what if my nephew needs help?”, etc. Apparently adults are allowed in the bouncy houses on week days when the place has less children but since it was Sunday, there were a lot of kids around. So after the disappointing news, Dan proceeded to gripe & moan about how he couldn’t get in & how much he was pissed about it. I took several photos of Dan, JT, family, etc. so here you go: JT with Aunt Aurie JT going down the slide with Uncle Teddy (he was a little scared). Dan watching the kids have fun while he has to sit out. He's just dying to get in there. Taking JT to the 3 & under bouncy house. "This slide looks a little more doable guys." Here's a video I took on his second slide down:
Little Rylee eating some lunch. Ready to eat some pizza. Loving everyone singing happy birthday. Wanting to sit on Duck's lap. The toy we got JT. On Friday night, we drove to Target after dinner & picked JT up a CAT construction truck (no idea what kind it is) but Dan was very disappointed to find out that the toy he wanted to get JT, which was a humungous Dodge Ram truck that made several engine noises & racing comments, was for children 5 & above. A nice lady with 2 of her children were in the same toy isle as us as I’m trying to explain to Dan that JT is 2, not 5 & older so we needed to get him something more age appropriate, she took my side & pointed us in the direction of the smaller children’s toy isle; but not before Dan commented that he wanted to get the Dodge Ram truck & if he couldn’t get it for JT, he would buy it for himself. He loved that thing. We also bought JT 2 outfits for Fall which he was not too excited about opening because what little kid wants clothes for their birthday? I certainly didn’t. We had a great time seeing everyone & watching JT have such a great time on the bouncy houses. The next time we take a trip to Monkey Joe’s, we’ll be sure to go on a week day so Dan won’t be so disappointed. ;o) Jackson - we hope you had a wonderful birthday; you are such a sweetheart & completely spoiled rotten; you keep us laughing & we love you very much.
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