Dan & I live in our townhouse in Sterling, VA with our maltipoo, Lexi. Dan is a history teacher & coach at Herndon High School, who just got his Masters in Education; I work as a legal assistant at a criminal/civil law firm in Fairfax & I love my job. I am the planner of our little family & Dan is the go with the flow personality. Our schedules are pretty hectic but when we have free time we love spending it with our family & friends.
Thank you for stopping by & reading what's going on in our lives. :]
Our pretty girl turned 4 years old on November 17th. Yes, in my last Updates post I said her birthday was on the 8th & I was wrong. I don't know where I got the 8th from but I'm glad I was wrong because I was feeling terrible the last several days for not celebrating by baking her birthday cake. We were able to celebrate today though! On Saturday afternoon Dan & I went to Wegman's & picked up the ingredients for her cake. This morning we took her to Petco so we could get her a toy & they ended up having a deal, 2 for $5, so we got her a red crab (Dan picked that one out) & a monkey that is wearing pj's (my pick). We also looked at some of their coats because she is in need of one this year; I found a cute pink one that has ruffles & zips up the back, no velcro - thank the Lord, but we decided to wait until the weather gets a little colder before we buy one. Here is a photo I took after we cut all the tags off of her toys: She was very excited & even started shaking the crap out of the crab after I took this picture. To our sweet Lexi (aka, Winker, Stink, Frenchie, Lexers): You have the cutest personality & we love you very much. You make us laugh constantly & even though your barking is like a piercing scream, we wouldn't trade you for anything. Your begging, at times, can be very frustrating but the way you pull the tablecloth with your teeth to get our attention is hysterical. You mostly like to beg from Grammie because she loves giving you treats: You usually don't like to get your picture taken but you humor me when I'm in one of my camera happy moods: You love to run around in the snow - but after several minutes your little paws get cold & I have to stuff you in my jacket to keep you warm. One of your favorite things to do is snuggle, you are the epitome of a lap dog & we love that about you. You bring so much joy into our lives that we just wouldn't be the same without you. Love, Mommy & Daddy
Now that it is dark by the time I get home, Lexi & I have been going down in the basement to have play time. Here is a video I took of us having fun:
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