Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Night At Eden

On Saturday, November 6th, Dan & I went to Ashley's 29th birthday party in Arlington/D.C. This was the party that Dan & I weren't sure we were going to go to earlier that week because the party started so late & we were feeling old. But we decided that day that we were going to go & that it would be a lot of fun. We were right, it was fun. The pregame party at Ashley's friend Katie's house started at 8:30 p.m. so we arrived around that time & as we were trying to find Katie's apartment, we ran into a guy that had just bought a Bernese Mountain puppy that morning; he had just taken him outside to go potty & we got to pet him & say hi. The puppy's name was Thatcher (adorable) & he was so cute with that puppy breath; he even chewed on my hair for a little bit. :o) If you don't know what a Bernese Mountain dog is, here's a photo I found online: Apparently this new owner was having problems with Thatcher listening to him & every time he would say, "come on buddy, let's go home," Thatcher would sit down in the hallway & refuse to move. LOL. Every time someone new entered the building, he would walk over to them & get petted. He was so sweet, I didn't want to leave him.

We finally made it up to Katie's apartment & started the pregaming. I had brought a bottle of Pinot Grigio with me so I opened that & everyone decided to play King's which is a drinking card game. I had never played it or even heard of it so I was trying to learn as we went & I was completely terrible. Each time it was my turn I would have to ask what was going on or what question I was suppose to answer, etc. Here is a blurry photo that Dan took of us playing: We stayed at Katie's until about 10:30 p.m. & then headed to D.C. by cab. By the time we left for Eden, I was completely tipsy. Right before we left Dan took this photo of us: Once we got to Eden, I continued with the white wine & Dan & I decided to hit the dance floor. Now I have always loved to be dipped while we're dancing, don't ask me why, I just love it. So a couple times Dan humored me & dipped me while I was holding my glass of wine & as you can guess, most of it ended up in my hair. Thankfully, it was white & not red wine. Dan & I left the club around 12:30 a.m. & the only part of our trip home that I remember is peeing in a bathroom at a gas station & running, drunkily, to Phoebe with Dan laughing behind me. When I woke up the next morning, I still had all of my makeup on & my wine scented hair was all over my face & it smelled awful. Dan wasn't able to drink because he was the DD but he said he had fun just watching me & lord knows I had a great time.

Ashley - thanks for inviting us to celebrate your birthday with you! We hope you had as much fun as we did. Love ya! :o)

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