Sunday, July 15, 2012

24 Hr. Observation

A few weeks ago our little Lexi was under the weather with a pretty bad upset tummy. I can tell when she's not feeling well because she has no interest in playing with her toys & she gets very snuggly; hence the photo to the left. I took it one morning after I took her potty - she ran right back upstairs & got on our bed to go back asleep; I laid with her to rub her tummy & she snuggled right in my armpit. After a weekend of her not eating/drinking, having diarrhea & vomiting in our bed I took her to the emergency room at our vets office. After a workup they came to the conclusion that she had severe gastritis & pretty high liver values which was concerning them. The vet told me that they had to keep her for 24 hour observation so they could get fluids in her by IV, giving her some anti-nausea medicine & taking some blood samples. When the vet told that I had to leave her I wasn't too thrilled. I even tried to negotiate them keeping her for about 5/6 hours & then me coming back to get her; they didn't like my suggestion. They basically told me that there wasn't any other option & that she had to stay. Dan wasn't home during this trip to the ER because he was at Congressional watching Tiger Woods play. I had been texting him throughout the appointment so he knew what was going on. I called him as I was leaving & after some worried crying on my end I made my way home. My afternoon that day consisted of me sitting at home & doing absolutely nothing but worry about Lex. When Dan got home he told me that I needed to find something to do in order to get my mind off of Lexi not being there; I have to say I was depressed & the house didn't feel the same. Thankfully, we got a call on late Monday morning telling us that Lexi was doing much better & that we could pick her up that afternoon, any time after 3:00 p.m. Since I was at work Dan went to pick her up; I had plans to go to the gym & workout after I got off work but once I found out that she was home those plans went right out the window; I drove right home so I could see her.

Now that she's back home with us our routine is normal again - she also has a "battle scar" that Dan likes to call her chicken leg:  
It looks like she's wearing a furry bootie. =) One of our neighbor's little boys even went up to Dan the other day & said, "What happened to Lexi? Is she alright?" It was nice to see that he was so worried about her. We're so thankful that she's healthy & back at home with us. We love you little sweets.

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