Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Plans

Every year for Thanksgiving Dan, Lexi & I spend it with his family in West Virginia. We started this tradition after we got married to separate the holidays & then Christmas is spent with my family in PA. We usually leave Wednesday night & drive up to his parents house but this year is going to be a bit different. Since Dan hunts Thanksgiving morning with his Dad, his brother Tom & his brother-in-law Glenn at his parents property, he is going to drive up Wednesday night & stay with his parents. Lexi & I are going to wait until Thursday morning & drive up to Tom & Kristen's house where we will be staying. Taking Lexi to Dan's parents house is so stressful because they have 3 big dogs & Lexi is terrified of them. Past Thanksgivings I have had to keep her in the guest room the entire time or keep her on her leash while she's in their house. Finally this year Dan agreed with me that its too stressful to stay at his parents house with Lexi so I'm going to keep Tom & Kristen company Thursday night & then Dan is going to join us on Friday. I'm excited to see everyone & get to spend time with our nieces & nephew. Usually in attendance for Thanksgiving dinner is: Dan's Mom & Dad (of course), sisters Aurie & Kelly, brother Tom, brother-in-law Glenn, nieces Arden & Skylar, sister-in-law Kristen, nephew Jackson, Granny Bernie, Aunt Gerrie & her husband, cousin Katie, Glenn's mother Mary Lou & then Dan & I. So they have a full house. We'll probably be staying in WV until Saturday afternoon & then we're going to come back to Virginia. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving & enjoys spending time with their family. :o)


  1. No Glenn he has to work but Chi Chi will be there!

  2. Oh man, work ruins everything. Poor Glenn. Can't wait to see Chi Chi again though. :o)


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