Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Will Survive!

I am using this post as a chance to vent. Here it goes...this week at work has been pretty stressful. My boss, Brian, is getting ready to leave for Ocean City on Saturday so of course we have a HUGE long list of to dos before he goes. I have been having daily meetings with him since Monday to keep him on track; he is already in vacation mode & not being very productive. The fact that I can go into his office & catch him watching videos on CNN's website instead of working on his to do list, is not a good sign. I have also been sick all week & that has not helped the situation either. I'm miserable, crabby, impatient & just flat out do not want to be at the office; I'd rather be at home in bed sleeping. All I have to do is get through this week, only 2 days left (sigh). I will not be surprised if his productiveness kicks in around 5:00 p.m. on Friday which will mean I will be stuck at the office late trying to get everything out. Why is it that he waits until the last minute to do everything? I just can't figure that out. It would certainly make my life easier if he was consistently productive. One of my co-worker's, who works for the other attorney in our office, says that her boss is going 90 mph & she is so bogged down with work that she can't get caught up on anything. I don't know if her situation is worse than mine or not. Sometimes its like pulling teeth to get Brian to do anything. No wonder I have anxiety every night worrying about deadlines being met. Only 2 more days left......I think I can, I think I can.......


  1. So sorry you are having such a rough week...I hope you feel better soon and things calm down at work and your boss gets to his to-do list!


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