Saturday, September 26, 2009

One Of Those Days

So you would think that since its the weekend I would be in a good mood because at least I'm at home & not spending my time at work. Well, not today. For starters its rained all day & I hate the rain. Saturday mornings are usually my days to clean the house & get caught up on laundry before the work week starts again. This morning I woke up not wanting to do anything around the house. I guess you could say I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was annoyed because it seems like every weekend I'm doing the same thing. I know this Saturday is probably different because we didn't have any plans to meet up with anyone or go out of town. When Dan got home from practice I told him that I wanted to do something fun & that I'm so sick of doing the same things over & over. So for dinner we drove over to Fair Lakes & ate at Joe's Crab Shack. We use to go to Joe's in Sterling before they closed it down so it was nice to go back there because they have great seafood. Anyway, I guess I'm just having one of those day, a bad day; everyone has them now & then. I think some of my frustration stems from not really seeing Dan for the last 3 days. Thursday night he had a JV football game; Friday night he had a Varsity football game & then he had to get up early this morning to work on the fields for the Battle of the Bands & he also had practice. Sometimes its difficult being married to a coach because there is always something going on. I guess I realized today how much Lexi & I are home alone. It gets a little lonely when your family is 4 hours away & your really close friends live in different states. I know I have grown a lot since Dan & I first got married; I use to not be able to be alone & now, sometimes I prefer it but today was not one of those days. Like my Mom says, "tomorrow is a new day".

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the bad day! :-( I understand the family living far away too. If you feel like changing your weekend up, you are free to come over and get Audrey down for a nap or try to feed her lunch or change a diaper-LOL!


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