Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Halloween Party Here We Come!

Earlier this week Dan & I got an Evite from our friends Matt & Liz who are having a Halloween party on the 31st. They bought a house in Bristow, VA so they are having the party there & this will be the first time we are going to see their new place. I am so excited! I love Halloween parties. I'm not so sure Dan shares my enthusiasm for the party because it is a costume party. The last time I got him to dress up was at a Halloween party that my parents had back in PA when we were still in college. My Mom made these great Musketeer costumes years ago (she is very crafty) & even to this day people come by to borrow them for parties. She use to make our costumes every year when we were growing up. So, she talked Dan into wearing one or should I say did not take no for an answer. :o) Here is a photo of the two of us from that party:
My usual plans for Halloween these days consist of buying candy & dressing Lexi up in some kind of costume & then sitting on our front steps to pass out candy to the neighbor kids. Of course there are always the older high school kids that dress up in really scary costumes & Lexi ends up barking at them when they come up to get candy & I close my eyes & tell them to take whatever they want; I hate scary costumes. That costume from Scream still scares the crap out of me.

So anyway, as soon as I RSVP'd to the party I went online to check out some of the costumes. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get something goofy or something that we would have to paint our faces because Dan is a party pooper when it comes to that kind of stuff. I had to stick to something simple, comfortable & not too here are our costumes for the party!

Dan's - Pirate's First Mate

Mine - Pirate Maiden

So what do you think? Aren't we going to look cute?! :o) I plan on taking lots of photos unless Dan decides to kill me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! I LUV that costume, Dannielle!!! It's soooo cute!!! Love ya, Arden


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