Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 2 of 30 Day Shred

Its that time again to give you an update on my workout results. OK, so I have been doing Level 2 for a little over a week now & it is pretty difficult. The idea is to continue the workout until it starts to become comfortable/easy, repeat my comment to my neighbor Laura, "it ain't getting any easier". Sure there are parts of the exercises that are easier now than a week ago but most of it is not. There are a lot of plyometric moves which remind me of the P90X DVDs. Now keep in mind that I am working out 5 days a week & by the 5th day, I am exhausted. I so look forward to my 2 days off. My idea to incorporate the P90X ab DVD in my workout with Jillian only lasted one day & thats because Jillian's ab routine is working just fine. I am still concerned about Level 3 but I'm trying to push that out of my mind until I have to move on. Sometimes I feel like I'm completely out of shape but when I think about it, I wouldn't be able to do these workouts a few weeks ago so I am better than I use to be. Dan even did Level 2 with me last weekend. Before we started I explained to him that this workout is a woman's workout, not a man's. You work on the inside of your thighs, butt, etc. As we were working our way through the DVD I even heard him say some groans & he was definitely sweating so that made me feel better because he is in great shape & if its making him work then I know its not that easy. Here are my results so far:

~ I am up to 15 push ups now.

~ I have not lost any more weight but I have not gained either; I have been watching what I eat but I still have my weaknesses...chocolate!

~ My clothes are not as tight & some are even baggy.

I took some result photos also so I'm going to share those with you: (I'm seeing more definition in my back)

(My biceps are more defined but I've always had slightly manly arms so I know they can improve).

(My silhouette is slimmer than before - tummy not sticking out as much & butt is tighter). I did take some ab shots but those are being kept private & for my eyes only. Happy working out!


  1. Your arms look awesome! They will come in handy one day when your toddler says "Hold You, Mama" and you hold him or her all day long while you do laundry, dishes, etc.
    Way to go on taking before photos too...I meant to do that!

  2. Thanks Laura! Now all I need to do is figure out how to lose several pounds a week like you & then I'll be all set. :o)


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